7 Reasons why NOGRID Customers are using Simulation

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is the discipline of science devoted to predicting fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer, chemical reactions, and related phenomena by solving the mathematical models that govern these processes using a numerical process. CFD is becoming an increasingly important design tool in engineering and also a substantial research tool in certain physical sciences. Due to the advances in numerical solution methods and computer technology, geometrically complex cases can be treated.

NOGRID pointsBlow CFD software - different time steps

Figure 1: Blow and Blow process for glass container production

NOGRID software is a most modern technology based on a meshless method to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. It can excellently be applied in the case of all problems, where grid-based methods reach their limits due to the necessary remeshing. Examples are fluid dynamical problems with free surfaces, multiphase flows, fluid-structure interactions with a strong change of the computing domain or structure mechanical problems with substantial structure changes.

By using these new techniques, designers can verify that their products will comply with customer’s specifications early in the design cycle. So, the product development process will be accelerated and the cost will be reduced by avoiding production trials. CFD can be used to compute material properties, heat transfer rates and chemical reactions during the process, and for the final product. Those advantages are very important and have helped engineers to obtain insight in problems where analytical solutions are impossible and/or experimental measurements are too difficult or too expensive to obtain.

7 reasons why NOGRID customers are using simulation:


Cost Reduction

The cost of simulations is usually much lower compared to the cost of experiments or production trails. The cost of simulations is relatively reasonable and it is decreasing for years although computers become more powerful.

Development Time Reduction

The development time is much shorter compared to production trials or experiments.

Easy and Intuitive Case Setup

The modelling time (time to setup the geometry and the simulation case including material properties, initial conditions and boundary conditions) is a critical and time-consuming part within the simulation process. Our customers appreciate the easy and intuitive way to setup a CFD case by importing the geometry directly from their CAD system.

Fast Modeling Time

Due to NOGRID's meshless approach the time-consuming meshing part is significantly reduced compared to mesh-based methods like FEM or FVM.

Customized Solutions and Applications

NOGRID provides a wide range of specialized and customized solutions and applications for the automotive, polymer or glass industry ready to use by selecting the case from our large data-base process list.

Fast Forecast and Prototyping

Prototypes can be analyzed and evaluated quickly, and the simulation is able to check what can happen, if for example a boundary condition is changed (how does the increase of the inlet mass flow rate influence the quality of the final product?).

Improves Knowledge

Simulation is able to contribute to a greater understanding of the problem. So, it will improve your knowledge, provide the basis to train the designer and engineers and helps to exchange the knowledge within the team. Furthermore, the documentation of the process and the documentation of the project progress is much better. Thereby the knowledge exchange in your company improves and on the long term, the quality and productivity will increase.

Our research and development programs listen carefully to our customers' wishes, then respond with services and software that meet those needs. We understand that each customer's requirements are unique, and provide what is needed, when it is needed, on an individual basis. NOGRID develops new numerical tools and software to allow our customers to accurately and efficiently model complex systems and to study the behavior of liquids and solids over a variety of length scales and applications.

CFD modeling is almost always faster than physical modeling or performing production trials. In many cases, design results from a CFD model are available several weeks or months before similar results from experiment. And the more complicated or repetitive the model geometry is, the more advantage the CFD model has. Once a CFD model is built, it can be run simultaneously on separate computers. Thus, several designs can be evaluated at the same time, while only one real design exists for evaluation. CFD model studies are generally 30-70% less than a comparable experimental effort, especially if a CFD model is already existing. This is tied quite strongly to the product and the production process that influences the schedule. Also, many CFD tasks can be automated with the computer, including the design optimization process, whereas experiments or real design changes are primarily manual.


Göttelmannstr. 13B
55130 Mainz, Germany

Simulation Software from Nogrid

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