Nogrid Service

About Service

Attractive solutions for your simulation needs.

Lack of time or resources and other constraints often make outsourcing an attractive solution for your flow modeling needs. Based on our engineering expertise in this field we provide a broad range of services. We prepare and run the CFD tasks for you. You do not have to buy a NOGRID software license.

NOGRID stands for competent services and reliable partnerships. Call us or write us an email if you have any questions regarding our services.

We offer individual numerical simulation services matching your requirements.

Main Services

Problems should be analyzed in well defined steps.

To analyse the problem four steps are useful:

  • understand the problem
  • break the problem down into small parts which can be computed
  • define problem goals
  • decide how to measure progress towards goals

In cases where it is not clear if the simulation software is able to solve the given task, very often a feasibility study is used before project start.

Throughout our projects there have been a few constants we've learned and used again and again successfully. Allow us to share four of them:

  • Reduce the complexity and remove all not necessary parts
  • Make use of any geometrical symmetry
  • Information is power and usually difficult to collect in productional environments, so be aware you will not get all data required and that you have to make approximations and estimations
  • Use a reliable methodology to simply and accurately define, analyze and solve problems

Carrying out a feasibility study

A feasibility study is a smaller version of a full-scale evaluation study. It is important to check in advance if the evaluation you have designed will work:

  • identifying any problems with the study before running a full-scale evaluation
  • an opportunity to understand and analyse the physics behind the process in more detail
  • evaluation of the numerical implementation of a physical model
  • testing the practicality of implementation to overcome technical challenges

We prepare and run the CFD tasks for you.

Lack of time or resources and other constraints often make outsourcing an attractive solution for your flow modeling needs. Based on our engineering expertise in this field we provide a broad range of services. We prepare and run the CFD tasks for you. You do not have to buy a NOGRID software license. We offer individual numerical simulation services matching your requirements.

  • problem analysis
  • numerical simulation and model validation
  • flow and consistency/stability analysis
  • process optimization based on numerical simulation
  • consulting service through for development and for complete processes or individual process steps
  • technology transfer (if you already use NOGRID software and you are not sure how to solve a special problem with the software, we can make a project and show you how)

These are your benefits of using our service:

  • competent service with a reliable partner
  • solving of difficult flow modeling problems in a faster time to solution
  • covering of human resource constraints in CFD projects
  • no investment in in-house resources, software and hardware
  • contractual delivery time and results quality

NOGRID stands for competent services and reliable partnerships. Call us or write us an email if you have any questions.

Validation Services

Does the simulation fit the real world?

Validation is the process of determining the degree to which a simulation model and its associated data are an accurate representation of the real world from the perspective of the intended uses of the model.

So we need experimental data to prove the simulation results and that means we have to carry out experimental tests to validate simulation results. From modelling point of view we need material properties, initial conditions and boundary conditions which have to be equal to reality wherever applicable:

  • How accurate are the experimetal initial conditions?
  • Are the experimental data reproducible?
  • Are experimental material data available?
  • What about the timing and location of the measurement?

We at NOGRID have a sound knowledge of the system being modeled and the software process for developing the model in order to provide effective technical guidance in the design and execution of plans to verify and/or validate a model, or to provide specialized technical expertise in the collection and analysis of varying types of data required to do so. We are able to work directly with our own CFD/CAE code of course and therefore we can provide deep technical insight into model verification and validation.

Optimize your design, your process or your material

Computational Fluid Dynamics is valuable to verify different equipment design configurations, or to compare performances and quality for different operating regimes.

In any industry, performance optimization is an integral part of the product design process. With the current trends towards sustainability and efficiency, performance optimization is becoming increasingly critical; the traditional trial and error strategies no longer meet industry standards.

It is necessary to consider the many factors and scenarios that require state-of-the-art simulation techniques to analyze them. One technique for performing this kind of analysis is CFD simulation software, which is becoming an essential tool for many product designers since the emergence of cloud-based platforms now allow engineers to test their designs easier and in less time.

Selecting a simulation software

The purpose of this step is to provide suggestions and guidelines for selecting a simulation software tool that will meet your needs.

  • What physics do I need to compute?
  • Do I work in a R&D simulation group or am I working alone?
  • Am I an expert in numerical simulation?
  • Is the simulation task considered solvable in the first place?
  • Do other companies already simulate the task considered?

Specialized Services

Your own custom-tailored software

Isn't it cool to use your own custom-tailored software tool for your perseverative simulations tasks. We provide the complete software development process from the requirement analysis until installation and maintenance.

  • Requirements specification
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Testing
  • Integration in your environment
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance

R&D Studies and Reports

Innovative companies with business operations which want to develop new or significantly improve existing products, processes or technical services can be funded by the German or European or government. The program is open to all sectors and fields of technology. Funded projects must be highly innovative, market-oriented and entail a substantial technological risk.

  • R&D requirements
  • Prepare application for a research project
  • Perform the project
  • Implement the results

Delivery of computing services over the Internet

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. You can either host your own license or pay only for cloud services you use, helping you lower your operating costs, run your infrastructure more efficiently, and scale as your business needs change.

  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a service (PaaS)
  • Serverless computing
  • Software as a service (SaaS)

Licensing Services

Licensing Technology

NOGRID GmbH uses a license management software to control the usage of its software applications. The license data are decoded within the software. The license data define which software is licensed, the number of copies of the software that can be run simultaneously and the specific machine that the software applications may run on.

All licenses provided are floating licenses (Floating/Network or Counted Node-Locked License).

These licenses are served by the license server, which is the computer on a network that runs the NOGRID software license manager and issues licenses to client machines that are executing NOGRID software applications.

The license server can work in a heterogeneous environment serving licenses across a network of applications running on Linux or Windows. A floating license means that anyone on the network can use the licensed application, up to the limit specified in the customer license data sheet and then decoded within the software. The customer license data sheet contains data which identify the machine designated as the license server.
A client is any computer on a network that requests a license from the license server. This computer does not require the NOGRID software license manager installed but does require a network access to the license server.

Cloud Based Licensing

In this scenario NOGRID's license manager software runs on a NOGRID server within the cloud and the licenses are managed by the NOGRID team. The User can start a computation on any computer which has a network connection to the internet.

  • One license file controls all settings
  • No own server management required
  • No dongles to manage
  • License support response time within two hours
  • We support any customer operating environment
  • Analytics on usage, activations and often-used activity
  • Highest security level for all customer data

Traditional Licensing

A floating license requires the configuration of a customer license server and each customer client machine that will have access to the licensed application. NOGRID's license manager files are located in the bin-directory of the installation path.

  • One license file controls all settings
  • Own server management required
  • Analyse usage by your company
  • All data remain in your company

Training Courses

Physical training course at customer's location

Of course, we provide training courses at customer's site.  The training courses are for beginners and for experts as well. Depending on what the attendees (single person or group) would like to learn we also can study and solve customer cases during the training course.

The training course is designed to improve attendees' simulation experience and boost their engagement in the process of learning and developing own NOGRID simulation skills. It is also a great tool for us to check and improve our software usability.

NOGRID offers training classes that can be standard courses or tailored to the specific needs of your engineering team across a wide range of engineering disciplines.

  • No limit for number of attendees
  • No traveling costs
  • Very good learning success
  • It allows learners to ask questions directly

Training course via web meeting

We also provide training courses via web meeting.  The web training is for beginners and for experts as well. Depending on what the attendees (single person or group) would like to learn we also solve specific customer cases during the training course.

The web training course is designed to improve attendees' simulation experience and boost their engagement in the process of learning and developing own NOGRID simulation skills. It is also a great tool for us to check and improve our software usability.

  • No limit for number of attendees
  • Training can take place also for one person
  • No travelling costs
  • Flexible schedule (2 x 6 hours or 3 x 4 hours sessions)
  • Contra: User issues difficult to handle in larger groups

Traditional training course at NOGRID's home location

Of course, we also provide training courses at our office in Mainz, Germany.  The training courses are for beginners and for experts as well. Depending on what the attendees (single person or group) would like to learn we can study and solve customer cases during the training course as well.

The training course is designed to improve attendees' simulation experience and boost their engagement in the process of learning and developing own NOGRID simulation skills. It is also a great tool for us to check and improve our software usability.

NOGRID offers training classes that can be standard courses or tailored to the specific needs of your engineering team across a wide range of engineering disciplines.

  • No limit for number of attendees
  • Training can take place also for one person
  • Very good learning success
  • It allows learners to ask questions directly
  • It enables learners to spend time with peers
  • Learners can actively practice, collaborate or even compete under the guidance of an experienced tutor

Software Support

Technical Software Support

  • Handle straightforward and simple problems. This includes troubleshooting methods such as resolving username and password problems, uninstalling/reinstalling software, verification of proper software set up and assistance with navigating around application menus.
  • Receive support content tailored to your needs.
  • Receive notifications of technical support information such as downloads, tips, technical notes, and publications.

Engineering Software Support

  • Includes technical support
  • Receive solutions regarding material or process settings issues (for instance: find better agreement between simulation and reality)
  • Receive tips regarding case optimization issues
  • Computation service (computation of cases and providing best possible settings) up to 5 cases per year

Your asked queries are answered by our experts

  • Competent service with a reliable partner
  • No investment in in-house resources, software and hardware
  • Contractual delivery time and results quality

Göttelmannstr. 13B
55130 Mainz, Germany

Simulation Software from Nogrid

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