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NOGRID points, based on FPM (Finite Pointset Method), is a meshless CFD software package for simulation tasks in the wide area of flow and continuum mechanical problems. NOGRID points is a grid-free or mesh-free method which, in contrast to classical numerical methods, such as Finite Elements or Finite Volumes, does not require a grid or mesh. NOGRID points can excellently be applied in the case of all problems, where grid-based methods reach their limits due to the necessary remeshing. Examples are fluid dynamical problems with free surfaces, multiphase flows, fluid-structure interactions with a strong change of the computing domain, or structure mechanical problems with substantial structure changes.
The computation time strongly depends on the CFD model and on the accuracy of the results. Thus a general statement is difficult to give but our experience is as follows: The computation time for applications including free surfaces or moving parts is 1 to 10 times faster than FEM (especially in 3D) and for applications without moving parts and without free surfaces it is 1 to 2 times slower than FE-methods.