The meshless general purpose CFD software NOGRID points, based on the Finite Pointset Method, is a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package for simulation tasks in the wide area of flow and continuum mechanical problems. The software solves fluid flows and problems with elastic or plastic deformations. More generally spoken, NOGRID points considers all the viscous as well as elastic/plastic stress tensors and any mixture of it.
No time consuming mesh generation necessary
NOGRID points software does not require a grid or mesh, in contrast to classical numerical methods, such as Finite Elements or Finite Volumes, where the generation of meshes takes a long time and thereby leads to increasing costs. The powerful fluid simulation software NOGRID points can excellently be applied in case of all problems, where mesh-based methods reach their limits due to the necessary remeshing.
Outstandingly short modeling and computing times
The software is based on one of the latest technologies in the area of numerical flow simulation. Using the fast and robust NOGRID points solver the usual long modeling and computing times can be shortened substantially.
Advantages of NOGRID points CFD software:
- Extremely short modeling time due to the absence of meshes
- Dramatically reduced computing time in case of free surface flows or flows with moving parts or moving boundaries
- Direct import of models from other CAD systems by IGES/STEP interface
- Easy modeling of all free surface problems
- Easy modeling of moving parts in your flow domain
NOGRID points CFD software is an amazing strong and powerful simulation tool for:
- Fluid dynamical problems with free surfaces
- Moving parts
- Multiphase flows
- Fluid-structure interactions with a strong change of the computation domain
- Mechanical problems with substantial structure changes

Point cloud instead of mesh
The basis of the computations is a point cloud, which represents the continuum or in other words a continuum domain (fluid or solid) is replaced by a discrete number of points, which are referred to as finite points. Each finite point carries all fluid information, like density, velocity, pressure, temperature. Finite points can move with fluid velocity (Lagrangian approach) or the flow information runs through the finite points if they are located constant in space (Eulerian approach). Also a mixture approach (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian ALE) is possible. This is useful in case of using the Eulerian approach in combination with free surfaces or moving parts. Therefore, finite points themselves can be considered as geometrical grids of the fluid domain.
Please read the technical specification for more details:
Some references regarding the method, the theory behind NOGRID points software and some applications are listed here